Have you noticed that many inkjet and laser printers cost about the same as a set of replacement
Around 1900, a salesman named King Gillette conceived the idea of disposable razor blades. Gillette’s innovation was to make the blades thin enough and inexpensive enough that they could simply be thrown away when they
dulled. At first, he couldn’t sell the blades for as much as it cost to make them, but he came up with a clever idea: he would give away the razor. After a few months of blade sales, the cost of the razor handle was
recovered and Gillette began to make a profit. Soon the Gillette Company dominated the market and made its inventor extremely wealthy.
Each new model of razor had a unique design so that only blade refills made to those exact specifications would fit. The designs were patented so that third parties were prevented from making their own refills.
Gillette, meanwhile, charged a small fortune for their blades, and customers had no choice but to buy them.
Does this concept sound familiar?
By utilizing CARTRIDGE CENTRAL’s remanufactured cartridges, refilling services, and compatible cartridges, it is possible to save 50% or even more. In the course of just one year, this can amount to savings of
hundreds or even thousands of dollars!
In the event that Cartridge Central cannot find an alternative to your Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) product, we also have access to thousands of OEM products and many times can save you 10% or more on
the cost of your original replacement cartridges.
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no association with or make anyendorsement to such trademarks and logos.